Behind the Lens
I grew up surrounded by pictures. My parents had photographs on the walls, in albums, anywhere you could imagine. I loved being able to sit down with my parents and ask for the story behind the photo. To this day I still look through photo albums with my mother, asking her about her life and stories of the friends and relatives whose images I find. I live for the stories about not only my past, but my parents, their parents, and their parents’ parents. Now that I’m a mother of two girls, I realize how precious those photographs are. Quick snaps with my cell phone just aren’t enough to freeze time and to create a tangible, visible history for them.
While I’ve always had a passion for taking pictures right from the time I got my first, film camera as a preteen it wasn’t until 2015 when I was a full-time college student that I began to take the art of taking pictures more seriously. I wanted to have good quality images of my girls, then ventured out to take photos for my friends when I got my first good camera. Being a world traveler also drew me closer to what I feel is my calling. Traveling through India and Germany I found myself photographing the landscape and the people, capturing the different personalities despite the language barrier. The pictures were our common language and that universal desire to be seen in photos cemented for me my love of photography and everything it stands for.
In addition to photography, I love dark chocolate, good coffee, my family, any kind of gummy candy, folk music, and television shows and podcasts that make me think. And, of course, I love helping people tell their stories.
Rebecca Lassiter Photography from Sean Minor on Vimeo.