Are Cell Phone Pictures Enough?
In this day and age, everyone has a camera of some sort. People are taking selfies and pictures of everything and everyone. I'm guilty myself, I am always taking photos of my girls, my pets, the skyline, my food and of course selfies. Most of the time cell phone pictures are good enough to capture the moment but compared to a professional image, they don't stand up.
The model for this session is my littlest cousin and she is so stinking cute I can't handle it.
Anyway, her mom captured the behind the scenes moments of her little girl's 3-month session and here are the results. If you could choose either one, which would you prefer to have to hang in your home, put in an album or set on your desk for your kiddo to grow up with?
After seeing the direct comparison of cell phone images vs professional, what do you think? Are your cell phone pictures enough?