Even among people who know me very well, most have no idea that I'm not a fan of clutter or irrelevant things. One thing that I find to be super irrelevant are greeting cards. Most of the time the cards we get are kind of generic. People go to the card aisle and pick out a mass-produced card that matches the holiday or moment and slap a signature inside. They're often so impersonal, especially the ones that just have the signature and maybe "hugs and kisses" inside, no special note. What do you do with the card, particularly those generic ones? I am terrible with keeping these things for my kids simply because there is no sentimental value. They say the thought is what counts, but how much thought goes into something so mass-produced? So instead of going the ordinary route I'm going to start a new tradition with my girls: writing out a memory. Instead of a card I'm going to take the time to write them a letter sharing a personal memory with them. The coolest thing about this is that the topics are endless. Share with them how they did so well in math class and how amazing they were at their piano recital. Tell them how smart, funny, creative, bold, brave, kind and cool they are. Keep it short and to the point or get long-winded and detailed, the options are truly endless. By the time they are 18 years old, you will have a book of stories collected, of them, in your handwriting. A unique gift far better than a collection of cards.
Can you imagine how special you would feel, as a grown-up, to be able to read memories like this? Don't make your kids imagine it. Make it a reality for them.